Natural Ways to Prevent Cavities

Prevent Cavities

If your dental health is in need of a boost, or you are trying to fight off cavities and tooth decay that have already reared their ugly heads, you have a lot of natural strategies at your disposal. Here are just a few to consider for improving your oral health.

Boost Your Intake of Green and Black Tea

Tea has been getting a lot of attention in recent years, particularly green tea. Tea is ultra-rich in antioxidants and other substances that offer numerous benefits for our health. And it looks like it can be good for our teeth too—it can conquer plaque and lower bacteria levels in the mouth. You can also check out this website to get detailed information about dental care.

Oil Pulling

This technique comes from the Indian traditional medicine system of Ayurveda, which promotes the use of oils for various health purposes, including improving dental health. Oil pulling, which is nothing fancier than simply swishing it around in your mouth, is believed to cleanse it of harmful bacteria. It is recommended you use sesame or sunflower for this purpose, and do it for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Tea Tree Rinses

Tea tree oil is well-known for its strong antimicrobial properties, and is one of the natural ways to prevent cavities. Diluting the oil in water and rinsing with it twice a day is an effective cleanser that will beat commercial mouthwash any day. Always dilute as the pure form of the oil can be quite strong and shouldn’t be ingested. If you want to learn more about cavity problem, visit this website for further details.

Dietary Suggestions

There are several dietary measures you can take to reduce the risk of, and help reverse, tooth decay. Adequate amounts of fat-soluble vitamins—A, D, E and K– are necessary for the remineralization of the teeth. Some good sources include cod liver oil, organic dairy and eggs, dark leafy greens, broccoli, cabbage, prunes, nuts, tofu, spinach, avocado and fish.

In order to properly absorb these nutrients (which many of us have a problem with due to digestive issues stemming from poor diet), as well as others necessary for healthy teeth, like calcium and phosphorus, you should eat plenty of fermented foods and raw foods. They give your digestive system the probiotics (friendly bacteria) and enzymes required to properly digest your food and absorb the nutrients within it. Cheese, nuts and apples are good for breaking up plaque; eat plenty of fiber—it encourages the production of saliva, which naturally protects the teeth. If you want to know more about them, visit this website right now!